Институт геополитики профессора Дергачева
Сетевой проект
Аналитический и образовательный портал
«Пока мы не вникнем мыслью в то, что есть, мы никогда не сможем принадлежать тому, что будет». Мартин Хайдеггер

Геополитика. Русская энциклопедия


Геополитика. Русская энциклопедия

Геополитика. Русская энциклопедия





Лекции Гибель секретной Империи Гибель секретной Империи Гибель секретной Империи

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NUMBER of MAGAZINE: 25 (3) 2006г.
AUTHORS: Vladimir Dergachev (Ukraine)
1. The international transport corridors (ITC) make up an extremely complex technological system that is to concentrate the general use transportations (railway, automobile, sea, pipeline) and telecommunications at the decisive directions.
2. The need to create conditions to expand the European market has been laid at the base of the strategy of transport corridors development. The unified Europe can be built based on the competitive economy with the modern transport-communication infrastructure. The ITC European project is to solve, basically, the classical transport problem.
3. Russia has two unique advantages that are of essence in the industrial epoch - the world most lengthy space and mineral resources. The usage of the geographical space (11.5 percent of the Earth area) as a communication resource, though, has not left a stage of declarations yet. Moreover, recently, there came up the temptation to consider that to revive the grandeur of a power state just the gas mains would be enough.
4. The transcontinental transport corridors that pass through Russia's territory would be economically effective if they met the requirements of the classical transport problem. From the geopolitical positions, this is in the interests of the EU USA and APR as well. If Russia's advantage went to just one axis in the communication triangle, the project would be blocked by other world players.
5. Russia's future would be determined by the possibility to organize and develop of the Euro-Asian area. There is a need to revive - in quality new shape - the Euro-Asian economic program of the Russian Empire that gave a special role to constructing the bridge of trade between the West and the East. From time to time, Russia of there days proclaim its intentions to use or reuse the great trading ways, but due to the loss of the geopolitical power, lack of capital and political will the pronounced projects result in mere empty words.
6. The geopolitical situation in the Balkans, Middle East, Caucasus, and the Central Asia has an important role to play in solving the problem under consideration. Instead of building the communication bridge to accelerate the trading, financial and industrial capital turnover at the boundaries of civilizations, we are witnessing ethnically oriented delimitation there, in which the USA take an active part, that is fraught with unpredictable consequences.




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