Институт геополитики профессора Дергачева
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Геополитика. Русская энциклопедия


Геополитика. Русская энциклопедия

Геополитика. Русская энциклопедия





Лекции Гибель секретной Империи Гибель секретной Империи Гибель секретной Империи

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Vladimir Dergachev

NUMBER of MAGAZINE: 30 (4) 2007г.
AUTHORS: Dergachev Vladimir (Ukraine)
1. Ukraine has brought a weighty contribution to split the Eastern European geopolitical space, having played the role of the West's 'fifth column'. In Ukraine, the anti-Russian geopolitical technologies meant to destruct the Eastern Europe's multi-dimensional communication space are successfully used. The strategic object of breaking finally apart the Orthodox civilization has been substantially secured in the religion space. In the military-political space, the strategic object is barring the military alliance with Russia, it is successfully implementing by the Ukrainian pro-American president-nationalist.
2. The sources of the Ukrainian statehood crisis are obvious. The civilization break that crosses through Ukraine's territory, makes it impossible to consolidate the society upon one cultural and historical tradition - either West-European, or pro-Russian. There is no political movement capable to consolidate the Ukrainian society and to start meaningful dialogue between the parts of the country. Attempts to combine incompatible - to build the national state based on the principles of the Ukrainian fundamentalism (pan-ukrainianism) and to be integrated into Europe, where the priority is given to political nation protecting the rights of concrete person, have brought about the deep crisis of the Ukrainian statehood and might result in complete 'Balcanization' of Ukraine.
3. The Ukrainian statehood crisis might have been avoided, if independent government relied on the country's citizens, rather than on the outside power centers in the Kremlin, White House, or Brussels. The following scenarios are foreseeable. The nationalists 'capture' the territory of Ukraine by means of changing the Fundamental Law, or the president preserves his powers to appoint local heads of administrations. In that case it would be possible to follow the policy of joining NATO using the administrative resource. The second scenario could be based on collusion between the nationalists and the regionalists, who would head coalition government in exchange for guarantees of the support of the second-term presidency by the electorate in eastern and southern regions of the country.




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Карибы. Святой Мартин. Остров двух господ